AcreEdge foliar nutritional products are designed to help deliver critical nutrition at key times throughout the plant’s growth cycle. The foliar product line offers a wide range of nutrient formulations to target specific deficiencies and mitigate stress, giving your crop the added boost to help deliver maximum yields.

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Corn, Soybeans, Wheat and Cereal Grains, Alfalfa, Hay, & Forages

In Furrow, Banded, & Foliar Applications

1-2 quarts/acre

Can be used alone or in tank mixtures. Please refer to the tank mix product label for application timing and restrictions.

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CropLift with CropPWR

With a superior formulation of rapidly available potassium, sulfur, essential micronutrients, and CropPWR™ Technology targeted to promote crop health, CropLift™ enhances nutrient uptake, crop performance, and crop resilience for higher yield potential.

Corn, Soybeans, Wheat and Cereal Grains, Alfalfa, Hay & Forages

Foliar Applications

1-6 pints/acre

Can be used alone or in tank mixtures. Please refer to the tank mix product label for application timing and restrictions.

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MicroEdge Boron with CropPWR

MicroEdge Boron™ is a unique foliar nutritional fertilizer designed to improve crop metabolic and physiological performance by supplying rapidly available in-season B to the crop in times of high demand. MicroEdge Boron helps plants increase nutrient use efficiency of applied nutrients as well as those present in the plant, by enhancing mobilization and utilization of essential nutrients. Boron is key for plant structure and reproduction processes such as tasseling/flowering and grain filling. MicroEdge Boron is the perfect complement to a nutritional program to bridge higher yield potential into better yields.

Corn, Soybeans, Wheat and Cereal Grains, Alfalfa, Hay & Forages

Foliar Applications

1-6 pints/acre

Can be used alone or in tank mixtures. Please refer to the tank mix product label for application timing and restrictions.

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MicroEdge Complete with CropPWR

MicroEdge Complete™ is a full foliar nutritional tool that provides crops with macronutrients, micronutrients, and a biostimulant/amino complex for complete nutritional in-season fertility. MicroEdge Complete provides growers with an excellent approach to boost crop performance by delivering multiple essential nutrients for growth and development at key times.

Corn, Soybeans, Wheat and Cereal Grains, Alfalfa, Hay, & Forages

Foliar Applications

1-5 gallons/acre

Can be used alone or in tank mixtures. Please refer to the tank mix product label for application timing and restrictions.

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NitroEdge Boron with CropPWR

With a unique blend of slow-release Nitrogen (SRN) and Boron (B), NitroEdge Boron™ provides an optimum solution for in-season Nitrogen (N) applications for crops. NitroEdge Boron can be used as a supplemental N nutrition tool in times of high N uptake. It can be used to correct N deficiencies or help plants rebound as a rescue application due to adverse stress conditions. It can also be used as a “spoon-feeding” strategy for increasing N uptake for higher yields.

Corn, Soybeans, Wheat and Cereal Grains, Alfalfa, Hay, & Forages

Foliar Applications

2-6 quarts/acre

Can be used alone or in tank mixtures. Please refer to the tank mix product label for application timing and restrictions.

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Rise N+K with CropPWR

With a unique blend of slow-release Nitrogen (SRN), Potassium (K), and Sulfur (S) in the Potassium Thiosulfate form (KTS), Rise N+K™ provides a premium source of N-K-S nutrition for crops. Rise N+K enhances crop growth and quality; it can also help correct nutritional deficiencies of N, K, and S and help plants rebound from stressful conditions.