How it Works

GroCentric™ is a tank mix adjuvant formulated to provide optimal pesticide spray performance by enhancing deposition of the spray application. It suppresses off-target drift of spray applications by providing a more uniform pattern and velocity of the spray droplets and can be used with air assist and conventional spray nozzles. GroCentric maximizes pesticide performance by improving spray coverage and through enhanced retention and infiltration of the targeted leaf surface.

Corn, Soybeans, Wheat and Cereal Grains, Alfalfa, Hay, & Forages

4 fluid ounces for ground application

2 fluid ounces for aerial application

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  • Improves spray deposition
  • Improves canopy penetration
  • Enhances spray droplet sticking and spreading for more coverage
  • Nonylphenol Ethoxylates (NPE) free, therefore should not contribute to arrested ear